Donations from recent Quiz Night Thank you
We’re all glad to be part of this fundraising.
Sending so much love as always <3 xx
Good luck thinking of you all. The Campbell’s xx
Well done Ju ❤️ xxx
Well done Julia 🌟xxx
That’s a lot of steps, not long to go now. Good luck and thank you xx
Well done Julia, lots of love 🥰❤️
Well done Julia
Good work Auntie Julia! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Well done Auntie Julia 👏🏻 you are amazing 🤩 xx
Good Luck and well done ! Xx
Good Luck Julia
Donations kindly sent directly to Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith - Thank you
Donations kindly sent directly to Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith
Thinking of you Harry as well as your mum, dad & brothers xxx
For the duck race…….sorry we won’t be able to be there x
From all of your friends at CCP
Hope this is for the little ducks! Can we have one duck each please?
From Liam and Colleagues
From Liam and all my colleagues at Haines Watts.
In memory of all those taken too soon xx #Gabi Xxx
Hope you have a good day.
2 ducks please :)
Stall x
Stall plus 5 ducks please. Good luck for a fabulous day raising funds for your wonderful charity. With love Fleur
Looking forward to seeing you Julia, it’s been too long x
Looking forward to attending. If we could get one little duck for Laurie Bach that would be amazing please 👍
Good luck 🍀
Hope the ducks behave 👍
Remembering with love a fun and energetic lad. x
With love
A donation from our Principality Building Society colleagues across North Wales. We look forward to taking part in our very first Harry's Duck Race.
With all our love Xx
Good luck with your target , always special memories of Harry 😘xxx
Best of luck in another fantastic fundraiser for an amazing cause x
So proud of you all for the work you do for this amazing charity and in keeping Harry’s memory alive. We love him and we love you. Xx